Exciting News! This is my 100th blog post!!
Can you believe it? I can't.
I really wanted to have this post done BEFORE the superbowl, but school has sucked every ounce of my free time for the past several weeks and my family had to put our 14 year old goldren retreiver down, so I'm just finally getting to it!
But the good news is - this is a REALLY awesome post.
I mean, cauliflower hot wings?!
I honestly don't know how I've gone my entire life without eating these. I haven't had wing sauce in YEARS. Turns out...I really like it. Like by the spoonful directly into my mouth like it.
So these 'wings' are a fun and super healthy way to get the satisfying experience of hot wings without the fat, cholesterol or guilt.
And they are gluten free! Which is great because I've been dabbling more in GF cooking. Fun challenge!
Oh and one more thing: I chose to bake my hot wings but you could just as easily deep or pan fry them to get a more 'authentic' wing taste. It's up to you.
I told you this was a special post :)
- 1 large head cauliflower, chopped into pieces
- 1 bottle Franks Red Hot - Wing Sauce
- 1/4 cup Earth Balance
- 1 cup non-dairy milk (I used almond)
- 3/4 cup chickpea flour
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 1 tsp onion powder
Lightly spray a large non-stick baking sheet with oil.
Combine the flour, and onion/garlic powder in a bowl and stir until well combined.
Coat the cauliflower pieces in soymilk and then with the flour mixture. Place on the baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes or until crispy.
While the cauliflower is baking, combine the hot sauce and earth balance in small saucepan on the stove top and heat over low heat until the Earth Balance is completely melted.
When the cauliflower is looking crispy and lightly browned - pull it out of the oven and place it in a large bowl. Pour the hot sauce mixture over it and toss to coat.
Bake for an additional 5 minutes or until you reach your desired level of crispiness.

In other fun news - a friend of mine made some delicious vegan 'hedgehog' cookies for the party.
I thought they were so cute and delicious I had to take a picture. I didn't get the recipe from her but I'm sure if I bugged her I could wrangle it out so if anyone is interested let me know!! They are so fun!
See? So cute!
They really did look like hedgehogs.
I think I ate half the plate...
All right, lovers! Hope you had a beautiful and fun superbowl and that you were as upset as we were that the niners lost!! Made for a long night, I'll tell ya!
Live long and prosper. And happy 100th post anniversary to me!