Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Smokey Sweet Tempeh

After the past 10 difficult days of being camera-less, I am back on the blog and boy do I have a bunch of fun stuff to post.

I thought I would ease back into the blogosphere with this simple and delicious staple vegan recipe.

Smokey Sweet Tempeh
  • 1 package tempeh
  • 1 tsp canola/sunflower/other high temperature oil
  • 3 tsp pure maple syrup
  • 2 tsp liquid smoke
  • seasoning of choice (I used a paprika-based cajun-style seasoning blend)
Cut your tempeh into cubes or strips.

Over medium high, heat up your oil in a large skillet or fry pan.

Toss in your tempeh pieces for about 3-4 minutes, turning occasionally, allowing them to begin to brown.

Drizzle in the maple syrup, coating all pieces relatively equally. Toss the tempeh in the pan until it is covered in maple syrup and the edges are beginning to caramelize.

Pour in the liquid smoke. It will produce a fair amount of smoke in the pan, but this is okay and will add to the smokey flavor.

Toss in the seasoning and continue to brown the tempeh until it is golden and crisp on all sides!

Throw on salads, sandwiches, pasta, whatever! I keep mine in a tupperware container in the fridge sometimes just to munch on, too :)

Live long and prosper blog world!

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