Sunday, January 15, 2012

Training Log Sunday 1/8-Saturday 1/14

January 8th - Sunday
Strength Day
  • Easy 2 mile warm-up run - 8:30 mile on .5 incline
  • 10 X 3 seated reverse wide grip pull downs -  17.5 lbs (on the tower gym)
  • 15 X 3 standing decline press with the all-purpose bar
  • 15 X 6 seated bicep curls at the bench - 15 lbs (alternating arms - 3 sets each side)
  • alternating with 3 sets of 15 close-grip push-ups
Tough Ab Circuit
  • 100 legs-raised modified crunches
  • 100 quick counts of power boat pose with rapid arm alternation at each side
  • 60 seconds center plank on elbows, 30 seconds each side plank
  • 100 total single leg raises (keeping lower back perfectly flat - I do 25-25, 15-15 and then 20 alternating)
  • 30 reverse sit-ups
  • 50 lying side crunches on each side (100 total)

January 9th - Monday
Cardio cross training
  • 25 minutes elliptical on hill climber, high resistance
  • 15 minutes spinning bike, moderate resistance, fast
  • 15 minutes treadmill, moderate pace (8:30) (I cheated and did 2 miles b/c I prefer mileage to time)
  • 15 minutes stair-stepper, fat burning circuit beginning at 100 steps per minute
January 10th - Tuesday
Moderate run

6 am - 5 mile treadmill run at an 8:30 pace

6 pm - Strength training (Chest and back) followed by abs

January 11th - Wednesday
Cardio-Cross Training (easy day)
  • 25 minutes bike (hill climber)
  • 25 minutes stair stepper (fat burning, beginning at 100 steps per minute)

January 12th - Thursday
Rest day! Take Wyatt on a long walk day :)

January 13th - Friday
Cardio and Strength Double

5:30 am - 6 miles on treadmill at an 8:30 pace, .5 incline

10:30 am - Strength (Arms)
  • 3 X 15 Seated overhead dumbbell tricep extensions - 15 lbs
    • Alternating sets -10 X 3 Bent-over one-arm dumbbell tricep extension - one arm at a time - 8lbs
  • 3 X 10 Standing deltoid row  - 17.5 lbs (on the tower machine)
    • Alternating sets - 10-15 X 3 Standing dumbbell flys - 8 lbs
  • 3 X 20 Bicep curls on the incline bench (10 on each arm, alternating) - 15 lbs
    • Alternating sets - 7 low bicep curls, 7 high bicep curls (standing) X 3 - 15 lbs
Do sets as close to each other as possible - killer!

Modified ab routine
  • 100 legs-raised modified crunches
  • 100 quick counts of power boat pose with rapid arm alternation at each side
  • 60 seconds center plank on elbow
  • 100 total single leg raises
  • 50 lying side crunches on each side (100 total)
January 14th - Saturday
 Today was supposed to be my long run outside day but it was really cold and rainy so I went to the gym instead. That turned out to be the best decision ever because the olympic trials were on (talk about motivation) so I watched those for the duration of my interval training run.

Workout: 7 miles on the treadmill
  • Mile 1: Warm-up, 6.5 speed on zero incline
  • Mile 2: 6.8 speed, bump the incline to 3
  • Mile 3: 7.5 speed, reduce incline to 0.5
  • Mile 4: 6.8 speed, bump the incline to 3.5
  • Mile 5: 7.5 speed, reduce incline to 0.5
  • Mile 6: 7.0 speed, reduce incline to .5
  • Mile 7: Cool down, 6.8 speed on zero incline
Love this work out! Took exactly an hour (almost to the second) and went by so fast.

That's how to make a treadmill work for you!

Feeling great and ready for the week ahead.

Total Mileage: 22

Tip for the week: Try to incorporate an interval training workout into your routine - it's a great way to train muscles you don't use as much plus it goes by really fast!

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